African Risk Compass

Our stories and voices, updated daily

DaiLy Quote
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
Abedi Pele
Daily PuLse
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visuaL Of The Day
The Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania is considered one of the cradles of humanity as it is where one of the earliest human remains have been found
Song oF The daY
Daily puLse
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LEader of The Day

Mohamed Salah

Mohamed Salah is an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a right winger or forward for Premier League club Liverpool and captains the Egypt national team. He won two-time African Player of the Year. Salah is active in regeneration projects in Nagrig, his hometown, donating money to help build a school and hospital. To Egyptians, Salah is known as the "Fourth Pyramid".

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23 Jan

African Risk Compass

Shape the future of the African continent

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Our stories and voices, updated daily

DaiLy Quote
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
Abedi Pele
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Daily PuLse
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Thank you! We collect your voice to show what's really happening on the continent.
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visuaL Of The Day
The Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania is considered one of the cradles of humanity as it is where one of the earliest human remains have been found
Song oF The daY
Daily puLse
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Thank you! We collect your voice to show what's really happening on the continent.
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LEader of The Day
Mohamed Salah is an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a right winger or forward for Premier League club Liverpool and captains the Egypt national team. He won two-time African Player of the Year. Salah is active in regeneration projects in Nagrig, his hometown, donating money to help build a school and hospital. To Egyptians, Salah is known as the "Fourth Pyramid".
Mohamed Salah
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