Building bridges  
to address sociopolitical
risks collectively
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public perceptions
to map interconnected
challenges across Africa
preventative solutions
and enhance inclusive
risk-based governance
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People-centred data and insights
across 54 African countries
Inclusive hybrid primary data collection on public risk perceptions, filling the gaps of missing data by identifying and measuring emerging risks and interconnections.
A hub for research, bringing together a diverse range of expertise on topics related to risk-based governance, including from the continent’s leading universities.
Data-driven risk management recommendations to give unique foresight and enhance coordination between policymakers, organisations and the public.
People-centred data and insights
across 54 African countries
Inclusive hybrid primary data collection on public risk perceptions, filling the gaps of missing data by identifying and measuring emerging risks and interconnections.
A hub for research, bringing together a diverse range of expertise on topics related to risk-based governance, including from the continent’s leading universities.
Data-driven risk management recommendations to give unique foresight and enhance coordination between policymakers, organisations and the public.
An inclusive platform
for Democracy and Governance
The initiative is led by Axle International, which was awarded the 2020 top innovation for democracy and governance by the African Union’s African Governance Architecture (AGA) – African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and received capacity development and grant funding as part of the joint project by AGA-APSA and COMESA through the Training for Peace Africa Programme with ACCORD and ISS Africa.
An inclusive platform
for Democracy and Governance
The initiative is led by Axle International, which was awarded the 2020 top innovation for democracy and governance by the African Union’s African Governance Architecture (AGA) – African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and received capacity development and grant funding as part of the joint project by AGA-APSA and COMESA through the Training for Peace Africa Programme with ACCORD and ISS Africa.
African Risk Compass Logo
The African Risk Compass is an inclusive, evidence-based platform gathering primary data to address sociopolitical risks across the African continent. The initiative is led by Axle International, an award-winning risk and innovation firm which develops crowdsourced data solutions to assess emerging challenges and create risk-informed growth across the African continent.
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